Thursday, December 23, 2010

Last Day of Reading Before Christmas

Today I had a closer look at the software available to me in terms of blogging. I also read two articles, one more interesting than the other. 

Software Available
I looked specifically at blogging software today. I found a site called "edublogs" which offers a secure blogging service that requires passwords etc to access blogs. This could be very good for class blogging purposes as it would ensure that pupils are kept safe online. It also allows an administrator account to be created that could see every comment left on blogs before they are posted and this would prevent bullying and other concerns. This comes at a price however but it is not expensive so it may be worth the investment if a free alternative cannot be found.

Wiki Article
Up till now I had kind of neglected reading about wikis but the article I read today really opened my eyes to the vast possibilities of wikis and the learning outcomes that can be achieved that are not possible with blogs. The overall consensus of what I've read so far though is that blogs and wikis can work very, if not most, effectively when used in partnership with each other. This, of course, is a relief as my FYP is based on them working together and luckily my first impression of their abilities to complement each other were correct.

Other Thoughts
I am seriously considering changing my focus and title from looking at the web based tools in terms of the DCG classroom to looking at it's uses in the Construction Studies classroom as it is becoming more and more apparent to me that the software could be much better showcased, and more effectively, using the content and activities involved in the Construction Studies syllabus... this of course will require much consideration and further investigation. 

This is my last entry before Christmas... So see you in January :D


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